Category: Health

  • The Effect of COVID – 19 on African Tourism

    By Dilyara Shantayeva – Art in Tanzania internship Tourism is an important economic sector for Africa. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, Africa received 71.2 million international arrivals in 2019 amounting to about US$ 40 billion in revenue. This represents a 4 percent growth in arrivals over that of the previous year. Tourism…


    By Rosemary Balyagati – Art in Tanzania internship Menstruation (also termed period or bleeding) is the process in a woman of discharging (through the vagina) blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at about one monthly interval, from puberty until menopause (ceasing of regular menstrual cycles), except during pregnancy. This discharging process…

  • Working as a Nurse in Tanzania

    By Paul Mwakajila – Art in Tanzania internship As a nurse and midwife, the main responsibility is to save the lives of people, especially a pregnant women. Despite the effort of the government and health workers the problems still exist.  Pregnant women are in search of maternity leave occur at home, on the way, and…

  • Access to Drinking Water in Africa

    By Atilla Cermikli – Art in Tanzania internship According to a report in 2018, nearly half of the population in East Africa could not access drinking water and Tanzania caught the average with 49.2% accessible rate. The main problem is basically investment. Installing the pipe to transport the water needs large investments and since it…


    By Godfrido F Mallya – Art in Tanzania internship          Breastfeeding; means one of the most ways to ensure child health and survival. However, nearly 2 out of 3 infants are not exclusively breastfed for the recommended 6months, a rate that has not improved in 2 decades…World Health Organization Breast milk is the ideal food for…

  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Health

    Tiffany Lo-Art in Tanzania Internship Climate change has a big impact on the environment and health. Africa is projected to have an increase of surface temperatures at a faster rate than the global average (Pasquini, 2020). Temperature increases have been linked to increasing mortality and morbidity, and marginalized groups, such as those who are economically…

  • The Impact of Period Poverty in Tanzania

    Art in Tanzania Internship-Tiffany Lo Managing periods in Tanzania is challenging due to a lack of access to menstrual products and sanitation services. Over 50% of Tanzanians do not have access to improved sanitation and access to clean drinking water is often limited (Moloney, 2020). With a lack of access to menstrual hygiene products, information,…


    HEALTH BENEFITS OF LEMON AND GINGER TEA By: Mallya Godfrido RN, Art in Tanzania Intership Ginger is grown in Kilimanjaro, Kigoma,Ruvuma, Morogoro, Kagera and Mbeya region. Currently, Ginger in Kilimanjaro is widely grown in Same District, particularly on the slopes of Usambara Mountains the ancient range in northeast Tanzania, which is part of the Eastern…

  • Composting to Improve Crops and Human Health

    By Miakoda Ford – Art in Tanzania Intern With the observable changes to weather patterns, such as shifts in rain patterns, and intensified storms, rural communities in Tanzania are struggling to maintain their agricultural way of life. Continuing to produce the crops and quantities needed is becoming gradually more challenging. It is understood and observed…

  • Obesity

    By : Moureen Thangavelu Obesity or overweight is defined as having abnormal or excessive fats that may impair health. 63% of Australian adults are overweight and 18.04% of Australian children have reported overweight in 2012 obesity is also steadily rising since the 90’s. Behavioral risk facts include excessive alcohol and inadequate consumption of fruits and…